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Intellectual freedom is the right of all people to hold and express opinions without interference and to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. Intellectual freedom is recognized by the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19, as a basic human right.

News June 17, 2024

Professor Toni Samek named CFE Scholar-in-Residence for 2024-25

Toni Samek, Professor and former Chair at the School of Library and Information Studies at the University of Alberta, will be the Centre for Free Expression’s Scholar-in-Residence for 2024-25. “Prof. Samek is one of Canada’s leading authorities on intellectual freedom, as well as one of its most effective advocates,” said James L. Turk, Director of the Centre for Free Expression (CFE). 
BPC Bulletin April 10, 2024

BPC Bulletin News Roundup: Recent Attempted Book Bans

In February 2024, during Canada’s annual Freedom to Read Week, Canadian journalists resumed writing about attempted book bans in public libraries and public school libraries. A few Canadian journalists continued writing about attempted bans in March. Noteworthy reportage and commentary appear below.