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Intellectual freedom is the right of all people to hold and express opinions without interference and to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. Intellectual freedom is recognized by the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19, as a basic human right.

Database August 1, 2022

Base de données des contestations des bibliothèques canadiennes

La base de données du CFE-CLE/de la CFLA-FCAB pour les contestations des bibliothèques canadiennes donne accès aux éléments contestés auxquels les bibliothèques ont été confrontées concernant des articles de leur collection, leurs affiches, leurs programmes, l’utilisation de leurs locaux et leur accès informatique.
News May 17, 2022

Danielle MacKinlay Joins the CFE Working Group on Intellectual Freedom

Danielle MacKinlay, a long-time government librarian, is joining the Centre for Free Expression’s Working Group on Intellectual Freedom. Danielle has been Manager, Library Services for the Canadian Coast Guard since 2005. Currently, Danielle is on assignment in the Human Resources Corporate Services within Fisheries and Oceans Canada, as an advisor on employment equity, diversity and inclusion.
Blog May 4, 2022

When a Book by an Eminent Indigenous Author Is Pulled from a School Library, Something is Wrong

Recent news of challenges to books in school and public libraries remind us that book challenges are not uncommon in Canada and, in most cases, are dealt with by the library staff. When the public does hear about a book challenge in a school library learning commons, it is usually where the school policies were not followed and the decision to remove the challenged item was carried out by school officials working outside the bounds of the book-challenge procedures.
News March 7, 2022

Todd Kyle Joins the CFE Working Group on Intellectual Freedom

Todd Kyle, CEO of the Brampton Public Library, is joining the Centre for Free Expression’s Working Group on Intellectual Freedom. “Mr. Kyle is a long-time champion of intellectual freedom who brings a wealth of experience from his many leadership roles in the Canadian library world,” said James L. Turk, Director of the Centre for Free Expression. “We are delighted he is joining our working group.”
Blog October 26, 2021

When politics trumps teachers’ professional judgment, students and society lose

Freedom of Expression is an important foundation of a democratic society and protected as a “fundamental freedom” in Section 2(b) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Yet, in both countries, free expression is being used paradoxically to justify censorship. A disturbing recent example is the enactment of Texas House Bill 3979: “An Act relating to the social studies curriculum in public schools.”