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Whistleblowers are people, often employees, who reveal information about activity within private or public organizations or institutions that they feel is illegal, immoral, illicit, unsafe, fraudulent, or otherwise harmful. Current laws and policies to protect whistleblowers in Canada are weak, if not entirely ineffective.

Award January 26, 2021

Peter Bryce Prize for Whistleblowing

The Peter Bryce Prize is awarded annually by the Centre for Free Expression to recognize and honour individuals who serve the greater good by courageously speaking up about wrongdoing or abuses of public trust in Canada or by Canadians or Canadian organizations.
Court Submission March 10, 2025

Ontario (Attorney General) v. Animal Justice et al. ONCA Court File No. COA-24-CV-0553

CFE Intervener Factum in the Ontario Court of Appeal This case concerns the Government of Ontario law, Security from Trespass and Protecting Food Safety Act, 2020, and associated Regulation whose stated purpose is to prevent trespass, protect animal safety, protect biosecurity of the food supply chain, protect those working with animals and prevent the adverse economic effects that these risks can create. The CFE intervention addresses how the Act and Regulation penalize employees who are prospective whistleblowers engaging in expressive activity in pursuit of truth and social discourse. The Act and Regulation also compel employee expression by mandating and controlling the timing of whistleblower disclosure. And although the Regulation purports to provide an exception for whistleblowers, it is so narrow as to be illusory.
News February 12, 2025

CFE Report finds Alberta law provides little protection for those speaking up about wrongdoing

In its tenth report analyzing adequacy of provincial whistleblower protection laws in Canada, the Centre for Free Expression (CFE) finds that, although Alberta’s legislation [Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblower Protection) Act] has more best practices than any other major jurisdiction in Canada, it still has significant shortcomings which fatally undermine a proper whistleblower protection regime.