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Whistleblowers are people, often employees, who reveal information about activity within private or public organizations or institutions that they feel is illegal, immoral, illicit, unsafe, fraudulent, or otherwise harmful. Current laws and policies to protect whistleblowers in Canada are weak, if not entirely ineffective.

Policy Submission April 26, 2023

Mémoire du CLE au Comité permanent des opérations gouvernementales et des prévisions budgétaires de la Chambre des communes sur le projet de loi C-290, Loi modifiant la Loi sur la protection des fonctionnaires divulgateurs d'actes répréhensibles (LPFDAR).

Dans son mémoire, le CLE détaille les améliorations importantes que le projet de loi C-290 apportera à la législation fédérale actuelle sur la protection des lanceurs d’alerte, qui comporte des failles importantes. Le CLE recommande que ce projet de loi soit adopté et reçoive la sanction royale dès que possible. En même temps, le CLE indique clairement que bien que les changements apportés par le projet de loi C-290 donnent lieu à des améliorations considérables, la LPFDAR présente encore de graves lacunes et que d'autres changements sont nécessaires pour la rendre conforme aux normes internationales en matière de meilleures pratiques.
Policy Submission April 26, 2023

CFE Submission to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates on Bill C-290, An Act to amend the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act. (PSDPA)

In its submission, CFE details the important improvements Bill C-290 will make to the current, deeply flawed, federal whistleblower protection legislation. It recommends that C-290 be passed and given royal assent as soon as possible. At the same time, CFE makes clear that, while vastly improved by C-290 changes, some serious shortcomings of the PSDPA remain and that further changes are required to bring it up to international best practice standards.
News February 24, 2023

David Hutton warns parliamentary committee of dangers of weak protection for whistleblowers

CFE Senior Fellow David Hutton testified before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates (OGGO) on February 13 in connection with its study of Federal Government contracts awarded to McKinsey and Company. The trigger for the study was the massive, exponential increase over the past few years in the dollar amount of government contracts awarded to McKinsey, the largest management consulting firm in the world in terms both of number of employees and revenue.