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Freedom of Expression & Its Limits

Freedom of expression, a fundamental freedom under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, is the right to express beliefs, thoughts, ideas, and emotions; to share information; and to seek and receive information and ideas without restriction. Limits on freedom of expression in Canada include Criminal Code and Human Rights provisions regarding hate speech, harassment, and discrimination; civil defamation actions; a variety of municipal by-laws; and both government and private restrictions on online access and content.

Blog October 26, 2021

When politics trumps teachers’ professional judgment, students and society lose

Freedom of Expression is an important foundation of a democratic society and protected as a “fundamental freedom” in Section 2(b) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Yet, in both countries, free expression is being used paradoxically to justify censorship. A disturbing recent example is the enactment of Texas House Bill 3979: “An Act relating to the social studies curriculum in public schools.”
Blog July 9, 2021

Who Gets to Tell Your Kids to Shut Up?

Remember when you were in high school and you got angry about a decision made by a teacher, team coach or principal?  Brandi Levy, a grade 10 student in Pennsylvania, found out she had not been promoted to the varsity cheering squad in her public high school. She also did not approve of the choice of a younger girl for the more senior team position. Not only that, she did not get the position she wanted on the school’s softball team. She was not a happy girl.