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BPC Bulletin March 2, 2024

BPC Bulletin: Canadian Interest in Banned and Challenged Books (2)

News Reports and Commentary Selected by Franklin Carter of the Book and Periodical Council’s Freedom of Expression Committee.

BookNet Canada is tracking Canadian interest in banned and challenged books. The organization publishes the data online in a miniseries of posts.

In the second post, Aline Zara, who writes for BookNet Canada, examines whether Canadians buy challenged books.

Zara’s post is dated February 22, 2024:

Read more about BookNet Canada here:

About — BookNet Canada

Thanks go to Charles Montpetit who forwarded the information.

The Book and Periodical Council was formed in 1975 as the Book and Periodical Development Council to provide a venue for members to discuss industry issues, address mutual concerns and undertake projects for the benefit of Canadian writing and publishing.