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BPC Bulletin March 29, 2024

BPC Bulletin: Environmentalists in P.E.I. Call for Anti-SLAPP Law (2)

News Reports and Commentary Selected by Franklin Carter of the Book and Periodical Council’s Freedom of Expression Committee.

In Prince Edward Island, the legal dispute between a real estate developer and an environmental organization continues to fuel calls for the provincial legislature to enact an anti-SLAPP law.*

Tim Banks, the real estate developer, is suing the Environmental Coalition of P.E.I. and three other defendants for trying to “impede and confound” his efforts to develop or sell lands that he owns, his court filing says.

The Environmental Coalition characterizes the lawsuit as “frivolous.”


In The Eastern Graphic, Rachel Collier reports:

ECO PEI says anti-SLAPP laws needed to uphold democracy | The Eastern Graphic |

Stephen Brun of CBC News reports:

Advocate urges P.E.I. to draft anti-SLAPP legislation, in light of suit filed by developer | CBC News

CBC Radio’s Island Morning interviews James Turk:

Advocate calls for anti-SLAPP legislation on P.E.I |

*SLAPP: strategic lawsuit against public participation

The Book and Periodical Council was formed in 1975 as the Book and Periodical Development Council to provide a venue for members to discuss industry issues, address mutual concerns and undertake projects for the benefit of Canadian writing and publishing.

BPC Bulletin
March 29, 2024
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