Lara Karaian
Lara Karaian is an Associate Professor in the Institute of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Carleton University. Her research examines the intersections between the body, sexuality, technology, representation, expression, legal regulation, and popular culture. She has researched and written on topics such as: teenage sexting and child pornography; ‘revenge porn’; accidental incest and ‘technology facilitated’ incest; virtual rape; ‘self-exploitation’; queer pornography; risk management; (self)surveillance; pregnant men and anti-discrimination law; transgender human rights; and, third wave feminisms, each of which is approached empirically and theoretically and through a post/intersectional lens. Dr. Karaian is in the process of completing a SSHRC Insight Development Grant (2012-2015) for her project titled “Selfies, Sexuality, and Teens: A Canadian Study”. As a result of her research Dr. Karaian has been invited to serve as an expert consultant by the Law Reform Committee of the Parliament of Victoria, Australia for their ‘International Consultation on Sexting Inquiry’ (2012). She has also served as an expert witness in two constitutional questions regarding the application of child pornography laws to teenage sexting scenarios, and as a consultant for the House of Commons’ Standing Committee on the Status of Women’s study on Violence against Young Women and Girls. For more information on her and her research please visit: http://carleton.ca/criminology/people/karaian-lara/