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News August 9, 2021

New CFE Report: It’s Time for Change! 206 Recommendations for Reforms to Canada’s Access to Information Act

Canada’s Access to Information Act was adopted more than 35 years ago and has aged badly. Despite numerous calls for substantial reforms to the legislation, many formal reviews and consultations, and various amendments to the Act, changes have been little more than cosmetic. As a result, Canadians have been denied the access to information so important for a healthy democracy. 
News June 1, 2021

Marcellus Turner and Carla Graebner join CFE Working Group on Intellectual Freedom

Marcellus Turner, CEO and Chief Librarian at the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library, and Carla Graebner, Data Services and Government Information Librarian at Simon Fraser University, are the newest members of the Centre for Free Expression Working Group on Intellectual Freedom. Turner spent the past ten years as the Executive Director and Chief Librarian at The Seattle Public Library in Seattle, Washington which, in 2020 under his leadership, was awarded the prestigious 2020 Library of the Year by Gale/Library Journal. 
News May 26, 2021

Call for Canada to step up its response to repression in Belarus

In a joint letter to Prime Minister Trudeau, Canadian Journalists for Free Expression, World Press Freedom Canada, and the Centre for Free Expression call on the Canadian government to take even more robust action against the Government of Belarus after President Alexander Lukashenko`s direct order to have a Belarusian military aircraft force a Ryanair flight traveling from Athens, Greece, to Vilnius, Lithuania, to land in Belarus’ capital, Minsk, to illegally arrest and imprison Roman Prot
News April 9, 2021

Open Letter Calls on Prime Minister to Fulfill Commitments to Transparency

In an open letter today, 13 major organizations from across Canada call on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to fulfill the commitments to transparency that he has been declaring repeatedly since 2014. The letter points out that “the COVID-19 pandemic has repeatedly exposed the fracture lines of your government, not least of which has been an accelerating loss of transparency.”