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Workplace Free Expression

Workplace free expression addresses the ability of employees to engage in expressive activity at or away from the workplace, on subjects related or unrelated to the workplace, free from discipline or the threat of discipline or discharge by the employer.

News September 18, 2019

CFE Launches Workplace Free Expression Legal Database

The Centre for Free Expression in collaboration with Charles Smith and Daniel J. Paré has launched the Freedom of Expression @Work Database today. The searchable, online database contains legal decisions regarding dismissals and discipline of employees for use of social media in the workplace and outside of work.
Blog September 18, 2019

Free to express yourself outside of work? Workplace discipline in the age of social media

Barely a day goes by without reading a new story about employees being punished, fined, fired or shamed for engaging in online conversations about the workplace. Social media is radically transforming the relationship between employees and their employers in a host of ways not the least of which is its capacity to simultaneously augment peoples’ ability to express their voice and employers’ ability to monitor and discipline employees. 
Blog September 20, 2018

It’s Back to Compelled Speech Time Again

Whose speech is compelled more than anyone’s in the country? Why teachers and students in K-12 schools, of course. From the singing of the National Anthem each morning, to the recitation of historical dates and multiplication tables, to astronomical theories, to dress codes, to the pep rallies, to the macaroni covered mothers’ day cards, to the schedule of mandatory holidays, each school student and teacher is compelled to express herself in the correct fashion at the correct time.