Censoring Books in Schools and Libraries: What does it mean for our future?
Ira Wells in conversation with James L. Turk
In his new book, On Book Banning, Ira Wells begins with his astonishment when the principal in his children’s school wanted to get rid of “all the old books” as being too Eurocentric, too male, too heteronormative. While understanding these concerns, he felt the solution was wrong. In his engaging exploration of censorship and the common goals of censors of all persuasions, Wells looks at the consequences for human development, for art, and for democracy. Join Ira in a Freedom to Read Week conversation with Centre for Free Expression Director James L. Turk, at this time when censorship is becoming popular and pervasive.
Co-Sponsored by Canadian School Libraries, Edmonton Public Library, PEN Canada, Toronto Public Library, Vancouver Public Library
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