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Court Submission August 7, 2024

Vancouver Island University v. Sarah Kishawi et al., BCSC, No. S-244694, Vancouver Registry

CFE Intervener Factum – British Columbia Supreme Court. The issue is whether Vancouver Island University’s request for an injunction should be granted against the encampment on campus. After a review of the legislative context and of Canadian jurisprudence on the applicability of the Charterto specific actions of universities, the factum suggests that the University’s rights as a “property owner” and its statutory powers in the “management of its privately owned land” are not unlimited or absolute; that the University’s statutory power does not necessarily pre-empt or extinguish the Charter freedoms of those using its property for expressive purposes. Finally, the factum submits that, in acting as a singular arbiter for expressive rights on campus, VIU must inform its decisions with a view to the values that underlie Charter rights. 

Court Submission
August 7, 2024
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