Ian Bron
Ian Bron is a whistleblowing advocate with an interest in ethics and accountability in organizations and society. A whistleblower himself, he raised concerns about Transport Canada’s oversight of marine transportation security in 2006. This experience prompted him to study the subject at the School of Public Policy and Administration at Carleton University. His 2022 PhD dissertation is titled Square Peg in a Round Hole? Three Case Studies into Institutional Factors Affecting Public Service Whistleblowing Regimes. This examined whistleblowing in the governments of the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia. His career has been varied, including:
- Canadian naval officer, serving in both the regular forces and reserves,
- Educator, teaching primary and secondary grades,
- Federal government regulator at Transport Canada, conducting analysis, consultation, and drafting regulations and other materials for marine and aviation transportation security, and
- Program evaluation team leader at Transport Canada and Public Service and Procurement Canada, evaluating government policies and programs and assisting in the development of performance measurement frameworks and other tools.
He was also a founding member of the whistleblowing advocacy group Canadians for Accountability, in which he provided support and advice to dozens of Canadian whistleblowers. In this role and others, he has provided advice and support to dozens of whistleblowers, advocated for better whistleblowing laws and policies, and testified before parliamentary committee. His long-term interests are to assist and provide support to individuals in safely disclosing wrongdoing and to educate and advise organizations and governments in the development of ethical speak-up cultures.